Miss Jenna, AFS Company member is pictured here in her last rehearsal with Miss Angel for this weekends big event. The Angela Floyd Dance Company will kick off the competition season at Stage One Dance Competition this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. If you think you might be interested in joining AFDC for the 2017-2018 season come join the fun and help cheer on our dancers. This is a great way to see what it is all about. Like…..Teamwork, Family Fun, Performance Skills, Making New Friends, Dedication, Determination, Focus, Goal Setting and Creating Memories to Last a Lifetime. www.angelafloydschools.com #angelafloydschools, #angelafloyddancecompany, #knoxvilledanceschool, #knoxvilledancecompany, #tennesseedancecompany, #ballet, #jazz, #hiphop, #lyrical, #contemporary, #tap, #community, #kcac, #knoxville, #knoxvillweekend, #knoxmomsblog, #ilovelocalknoxville