I have spent the morning going through 700 emails from the last few years. Yes, ok, just got lazy in deleting emails I guess! haha But I have smiled so many times running across emails from fellow dance moms (and dads!) where we have shared pictures and videos and coordinated carpools and dinners and parties. I just can’t help but be so happy that my girls have such a supportive group of friends and their parents. I’m already counting down the days till our girls are in the studio daily again. I think we have a phenomenal group of company dancers. For 12 years, either in dance or gymnastics, I have had to play on both sides of the fence, as a parent and a teacher, and I’ll say that the parents of AFS have treated me the best! No matter what, there’s always drama in life, but I’ve watched us pull together. Next year will not be an exception! I already see the excitement growing on the teachers’ side as well. I can’t wait to watch our girls grow and rock their practices and their performances next year!

Jessica Wigley