Does your hero wear a cape?
I have worn many costumes in my day, but I have never been able to measure up to my hero. My mother, Trula wears the cape in our family and is my biggest hero.
Since the age of 3 when I started dance lessons she has been by my side with support and guidence. I started baton and flute lessons at the age of 9 and had two brothers by my side playing every sport and instruments too.
Yes, my brothers joke about those long days at a twirling competition in Gatlinburg and how they were so mistreated….but mom just laughs and reminds them of all the sporting events I went to in exchange.
Is she admired for the lessons she has taught us about family, YES.
Is she idealized for her courage and outstanding achievements, YES.
Noble qualities? To our family she is the queen. She straightens her crown and moves forward every day like the Queen she is to us and everyone that knows her……..
Who is your hero?
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#angelafloydschools, #hero, #family, #thefamily, #queen, #courage, #noble, #admired, #knoxmoms, #bestofknoxville