“What really matters to you today?
Reach deep down in your soul and share with us today.
Is it having 10 minutes alone without your kids pulling your stings?
Is it learning a new song on your guitar?
Is it finally getting those quad pirouettes consistenly on both sides every time.
Or maybe spending quality time with a friend.
Today, what really matters to me….FAMILY. Spending quality time with family, talking over memories of the past and dreams of the future. My soul is warm with love today and it’s because of my family. – Angela
So tell us, what really matters to you today? I want to know!
Like, Comment, and Share with friends.
AFS has a wonderful culture of positive families and an incredible staff. Let AFS be part of your family today.
#angelafloydschools, #family, #whatreallymatters, #sharethelove, #afsproud, #bestofknoxville, #lifeisgood, #knoxville, #new2knox, #soul