SPOTLIGHT – Angela Floyd School Staff. Karen Baird has been working in the office at both location of AFS for 4 years. She is known to most of us as the QUEEN OF HEADPIECES/PROPS. You can see her creativity and talent at each of our spring dance concerts with the beautiful headpieces she makes for our dancers. Karen grew up on a FARM and she said it was so special because as a child in the summer she got to play in the fields and in the winter she skated on the ponds. “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE” is the movie she says describes her life the best and the most fictional place she would like to go is ROSE HARBOR INN. Karen says her grandchildren inspire her to be better and she feels like the best way to start her day is with a SMILE. The skill she would most like to master would be the art of disagreeing with someone but making them feel like I am really complimenting them. Karen said the best thing about working at AFS is watching young minds grow and thrive.
#angelafloydschools, #ilovelocalknoxville, #knoxmomsblog, #whattodoinknoxvilletn, #new2knox, #farmgirl, #smile, #queenofcrafts