You want it all don’t you? DO NOT MISS OUT on being a part of the Angela Floyd Schools Spring Dance Concert 2018. Register for your class by Nov. 20th and be guaranteed a costume for the show…you can even add additional classes to your schedule now for ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop and even the really popular contemporary class….go ahead, call now at 675-9894 West location or 947-9894 North location and we will get you started today…don’t wait any longer, today is the day. This years dance show is a Passport To Dance – Our TAP section will take you to New York City where you will be invited to seIze the day as they present NEWSIES! Be transported to INDIA as our jazz and hip hop dancers join in the storytelling fun for the first time ever with THE JUNGLE BOOK!….AND all of our BALLET dancers, from preschool to advanced pointe, will take part in telling the story of MADELINE, the adventurous girl from Paris! Call NOW before it’s to late!