Giving extra special kids a Chance to Dance!
Arts for the Amazing offers students in Knoxville and surrounding areas of all abilities the chance to dance and achieve goals beyond what they believe is possible. In this supportive, positive environment, students with disabilities are paired with typically developing peers to maximize participation, while encouraging social interactions and relationship-building.
This class develops basic dance skills, explores movement concepts, musicality, improvisation, and basic technique in various dance disciplines. Students will learn developmentally-appropriate choreography and explore artistic expression while working towards functional goals. This class is a great way to develop confidence, coordination, motor skills, teamwork, and make new friends!
Informal performances will be held throughout the year at the end of the normal class time to celebrate the dancers’ progress and achievements.
Call 675-9894 for additional information                                                                              *Complimentary Classes at our West Location
All Students Must Register to secure a spot in this program.
Limited space is available.
Application for Assisting in the AFS Arts for the Amazing class.