Combined in-studio rehearsal for ALL ballet dancers at AFS-NORTH.
Combined in-studio rehearsal for ALL ballet dancers at AFS-NORTH.
Combined in-studio rehearsal for ALL ballet dancers at AFS-NORTH. Details in Handbook!
Combined in-studio rehearsal for ALL ballet dancers at AFS-NORTH. Details in Handbook!
Clinics to learn the dances for Auditions at AFS-NORTH. See AFDC Handbook for times.
Parents are invited into the studios these weeks for the last 10-15 minutes of class! Come see what we've been working on, get to know your student's instructor, and hear important reminders!
Tech Rehearsal at the Civic Auditorium. Details in Handbook!
Dress Rehearsal at the Civic Auditorium. Details in Handbook!
Spring Concert at the Civic Auditorium. 5pm SHARP! Details for dancer drop off in Handbook!